מי אני? מי אני באמת?
Who am I? Who am I, really?
This pack consists of cards with pictures of things young adults experience daily. The images were selected to include every sphere of adolescent life and describe emotions, characteristics, and situations they encounter every day
These cards enable the participant to recognize what he or she presents to the world versus what really happens in one's life. It is rare that one permits others to see their inner self or what he/she is really going through. During our lives, we often put on and take off many masks.
These cards enable the participant to expose the true self behind the mask.
These cards are designed to help parents, therapists and education professionals create a meaningful dialogue with these developing young adults, and to support an internal dialogue between one's real self and one's self as perceived by others. The images in this pack can help to surface difficulties, dilemmas, conflicts, and inner strengths.
How to use this pack of cards
Step 1 - select a area of life of which you want to discuss.
Step 2 - The participant selects a card from the pack; this can be done either openly or in a concealed way.
Step 3 - The participant places the card selected on the working map according to the question.
Examples of areas of life to choose: friends, parents, siblings, family relations, studies, school, hobbies, sport, body and image, intimacy, relationships, military service, etc.
It is also possible to bring up issues which are not shown on the map - like dreams, values, personal traits, etc.
Cards can also be used for a personal/individual process, or for a group activity.
A variety of possible activities
Select 3 cards in a concealed way, arrange them and explain what is the story they tell about you.
Choose 3 cards (not concealed) and present yourself through the images on the cards you selected.
Openly select 3 cards with images of your everyday life, and explain why you selected this card, what is it in you that the card represents to you, or, if relevant- describe a similar event which took place in your life.
Take our 2 cards from the pack without seeing them. Examine them and explain: How do you feel about the image? What disturbs you in the image?
When all cards are openly laid on the floor - take out 3 cards which represent your strongest qualities.
In a concealed manner - select 3 cards which represent your hidden qualities (those you wish you had or those others don’t know you have).
In a concealed manner - select 3 cards which represent things you would like to free yourself from.
If you could change 1 thing only - what would it be? - select 1 card.
Select 2 cards which represent fear. What are you afraid of? Where are you afraid to go?
4 השאלות למפת העבודה: the 4 questions on the working map
מי אני? איך רואים אותי?
Who am I? How am I seen?
מי אני באמת?
who am I really?
מי אני רוצה להיות? / מה הייתי רוצה שיקרה?
Who do I want to be? What would I want to happen
מה אני צריך לעשות כדי שזה יקרה באמת?
What do I need to do to make it really happen
to order cards or arrange workshops :
Dana Kotick-shezifi……+972-50-552225-….…. dana.shezifi@gmail.com
Anat Hudesman ……+972-52-3371065……anathud@gmail.com
This pack of cards "who am I ?" is a realization of a dream by Dana and Anat after many years of professional and practical experience (both as life coaches and mothers). It is a tool to enable a dialogue with developing young adults to look at the world through their eyes and develop a shared understanding of their experience.
You are invited to visit our site www.c4life.co.il and our facebook page "קלפים לחיים"